To aid you in choosing the correct brake pads for your needs, here are some tips in making the correct choice:
If you need new brake pucks for your Lamb Struts, you will need one of two types of pucks:
If you have struts manufactured from 1989 to present, they will have the number "625" directly beneath the Lamb logo on the outside (or anvil) half of your Lamb strut caliper. They should also have a silver logo sticker on them indicating the strut serial numbers. In this case, you should order part #707-625 pucks. This will give you (4) pucks, enough to replace all the pucks in both strut calipers.
If your struts were manufactured before 1989, they won't have the serial number stickers on them, nor will there be anything engraved on the outer half of your strut calipers other than the Lamb logo. In this case, you should order #707-150 pucks. (This will give you a set of four pucks, enough to replace all the pucks in both strut calipers.)
Carbon Rotors
Please note: you will probably use approximately 2 set of pads per set of rotors. It is important to monitor the thickness of both the pads and rotors. When either of them goes below .350" in thickness, it is time to replace them. We will resurface your carbon rotors at no charge at the time you are replacing the pads only (rotors must still be within usable tolerance and not damaged in any other way). Inaccurate resurfacing of the rotors will result in uncontrolled braking and rotor failure! Rotor run-out to the rotor mounting surface must be within .002 and rotor parallelism must be within .0008. This procedure requires special equipment and experience and cannot be accomplished by use of normal brake or clutch resurfacing equipment!
PUCK (#- 1/8" PAD (# - 1/8") - Until the center groove is gone.